I'm feeling such gratitude for our country. Caught myself humming the Star Spangled Banner and paused over the lyrics. We don't sing the last verse often. Perhaps we should. In these days of internal strife, it feels right to recommit ourselves to our highest ideals.

I've pondered those ideals a great deal lately as I've listened carefully to the angst of friends across the political spectrum concerned about our ability to weather the present crisis. I'm hopeful and confident that we will and see signs all around that smart people are starting to stand up and lead in the right directions.

Let Freedom Ring!

To that end, I've been trying to understand the causes underlying our divisions. In Let Freedom Ring! I share a few preliminary suggestions about how we got where we are and how we move forward. I see  some positive steps we can take and one tenet on which we should stand firm. Let me know your thoughts, too!

Race on the Rocks

I am gratified by how well the podcast has been received! The current episode felt timely because we talked about the founding principles of the Republican Party and development of Abraham Lincoln's thought on questions of racial justice. Next Wednesday, I'll publish a fascinating episode about the Civil War and liberation of the enslaved.  If you're enjoying the podcast, please consider sharing it with friends and family and on your social media!

Listen now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and more!

The Art of Learning

How do we learn along the Way of Love? It turns out there is at least one wrong path, and I followed that path a long time. I beheld the art of learning when I recognized that I could not reason my way to Jesus. Read The Art of Learning so you and your loved ones don't make my mistakes!

Lagniappe Love

Of course many have seen it multiple times, but, given my patriotic mood, I just have to share once more this amazing offering of our national anthem by Lady Gaga. I  get misty when I see her gesture toward our flag still waving atop our Capitol. Enjoy!